Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How great is our God!

I woke this morning with the words,

“O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the world Thy Hand hath made,”
Those are the words to the first stanza of the hymn, “How great Thou art”

I am amazed by sunsets and sunrises; the stars in the sky, and really all of nature. Also when I think about how the human body works, how a child is born.

In my way of thinking everywhere around us are signs of how amazing and wonderful God is. It is so easy to get caught up in the stuff of life and miss all of the wonder of God around us. David said this about the Lord…

“Therefore You are great, O Lord GOD. For there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears.” 2 Samuel 7:22

The more I grow to learn the Lord the more I learn how little, I truly know about Him. I am not afraid of true scientific study because it will continue to prove God to be true. True science is initiated in the throne room of God. The clearer the understanding that man has about the world the more God is revealed.

When I see someone really turned onto God and see the change in their life, I am amazed at the love and power of God. Every day I am in a position to see people awaked to who God is and how much He loves them. Every day I get to see “the wheels turning” in someone’s mind as they discover how much God really loves them. It is a wonderful sight to see a life that connects with our heavenly Father.

If you ever wonder about how amazing God is, simply look at the people he has brought into your life. If your life is anything like mine you have an interesting conglomeration of people. People from all kinds of backgrounds, colors, shapes and sizes, all people that are a work in progress but each one in themselves is an amazing miracle. The wonder and awesomeness of God is revealed in the differences in people as well. Think about the creativity that it took to make each one so unique. The way the Lord has woven them into the tapestry that has become your life. Each strand is important to the whole.
Forgive my rambling today but it is easy to overlook the wonder and majesty of God revealed through even the most common things in our lives.

I hope that as we approach Thanksgiving that you are grateful for not only the big things that the Lord has done for you but also the daily miracles he brings into your life.

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