Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Lord cares about the big stuff and the little stuff!

Mark 11:1 - 32

It seems that I am in a mode to talk about "stuff"! It seems that the insight I am getting, as I read the verses, is about stuff!

When ever a crisis happens it is easy for us to cry out to God for help! I hear it all the time when families, couples, and individuals come to me for counsel. Those who seem to be neutral toward or even those anti-God, when a crisis happens, we cry out to God and expect a miracle. There is something inside of all of us that can easily believe God will “step in” for the big stuff. Our tendency is to let God sweat the big stuff and we will sweat the small stuff.

Jesus is showing us in this story that the small stuff is important too. He proved to the disciples that He knows and cares about even the minutest details. Where was the donkey? What would someone say? What should your reaction be? There isn’t anything in this life that God doesn’t know. Jesus explained that God knows when a sparrow falls and knows the hair on our head! He cares about all the details of our lives. When my kids hurt, I hurt, when they are struggling, I am looking for ways to help them, when they are happy I am feeling great for them. If in my humanity I can feel like this for my kids, how much more does our Father in heaven “feel” for us.

God cares about all the “stuff” in our lives. What “stuff” are you going through today? You can trust Him that He cares about all that you are going through and all of the need that you have. Take the leap to believe that He is concerned about all of the “stuff” in our lives. Talk with Him about it, thank Him for it, look for His hand in the middle of it!

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